18:14 Friday, 9 December 2022

Chances are you've heard of a double neck guitar before, as many rockers have used them, especially live, to be able to create a multitude of sounds with one instrument (Jimmy Page, Alex Lifeson). But now there's a new type of guitar that's double-sided, with a different neck on each side, and they're no joke.
Busuyi Guitars is the manufacturer behind this odd new instrument, and their motto is, "Delivering the future." The purpose behind their double-sided guitars is pretty much the same as a standard double neck guitar — to be able to play two instruments in one — but the function is quite different, as they look like a regular guitar from the front, but have to be flipped in order to access the other side.
Thus, they have instruments that double as a bass on one side and an electric guitar on the other. There are a variety of different string options too, so you can have a 4-string bass with a 6-string guitar on the other side, a 5-string bass with a 7-string guitar on the other side and so on. There are also instruments that are electric guitars on both sides, but with a different number of strings, fretless basses, double-sided acoustics and more.
Aside from these whacky guitars, they also offer headless instruments, which are quite cool-looking in their own way.
The best part about the whole site is that their prices aren't too hefty either, so you don't have to shell out and arm and a leg to try one of their instruments out for yourself. The aforementioned 4-string bass that doubles as a 6-string guitar is priced at $385.
See pictures of some of the instruments below, check out Busuyi Guitars' website here and see a video of one being played below.
Busuyi Double-Sided Guitar