THE HAUNTED Guitarist OLA ENGLUND Test Drives CHILDREN OF BODOM Frontman ALEXI LAIHO's Guitar Gear (Video) | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
Thursday, 6 March 2025 17:23

THE HAUNTED Guitarist OLA ENGLUND Test Drives CHILDREN OF BODOM Frontman ALEXI LAIHO's Guitar Gear (Video)

the hauntedchildren of bodomalexi laihoola englundriff notes
10:00 Thursday, 8 December 2022
THE HAUNTED Guitarist OLA ENGLUND Test Drives CHILDREN OF BODOM Frontman ALEXI LAIHO's Guitar Gear (Video)

The Haunted guitarist Ola Englund has shared another video, this time running through Chuildren Of Bodom frontman Alexi Laiho's guitar gear.

Englund: "Trying out the Children Of Bodom Alexi Laiho rig; his Ripped LTD guitar, the Marshall JVM, and also the integrated pre-amp booster. After listening back to the results, I wasn't that happy with it. The sound in the room was way better. Just something to remember. Not everything sounds as good mic'd up. Blame it on my production skills."

Metallica recently announced that they will release their new album, 72 Seasons, on April 14. They also released the first single, "Lux Æterna", and Englund has a go at the song in the new video below.

Says Ola: "Alright, Metallica releases a new song, I have a new guitar... let's do this! Point with this series is that I try and learn a song by ear in the least amount of time possible. With varied results...

"I'm Ola Englund and welcome to my channel. A channel dedicated to guitar related gear with a focus on metal. I also play in the metal bands The Haunted & Feared and run a guitar company"

Check out Metallica's "Lux Æterna" below, and find details on the upcoming 72 Seasons album, here.
