POLYPHIA's TIM HENSON Got Good At Guitar While Being Grounded For Smoking Weed As A Kid | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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POLYPHIA's TIM HENSON Got Good At Guitar While Being Grounded For Smoking Weed As A Kid

polyphiatim hensonweed
18:59 Wednesday, 7 December 2022

In a recent chat with Herman Li of Dragonforce, Polyphia guitarist Tim Henson talked about how his love of the mighty leaf pretty much assured that he'd be either grounded or on probation for most of his younger days.

"I was like, really into weed. And in Texas, it's very illegal," Henson said. "So when I was 16, I got two possessions. And I spent most of my high school years on probation and grounded. So I had a lot of time to myself, which I used playing the guitar. And in hindsight, could I have not done illegal things and developed more social skills? Probably. That would have been great [laughs]. But I also wouldn't have gotten to spend that much time with the guitar. So, I guess now is the time that, as we grow as a band and grow as people to learn social skills."

Henson also spoke a little bit about his parents' reaction to his music career, saying that "My dad's mostly been supportive throughout the whole career. At the beginning, he was a little upset that I dropped out of school to do this. But once he saw that our first album that we crowdfunded reached its goal, that's when he kind of got on board and was like, 'Wow, you're really doing it. And this is what you want to do. I support you.'"

Mom on the other hand?

"She really didn't start getting it until, I guess, last year, when I moved back to Texas. We built a crib, and her getting to come to the house, once it's finished, and to see the studio that's built and all the things that are, I guess, more tangible for a parent. To feel like they don't have to worry about you anymore kind of thing.

"That's when she kind of started to let up on 'Go back to school, stop getting tattoos! You look like you're going to prison.' I'd come home and I'd wear like a turtleneck. And I'd cover up my hands for Thanksgiving and shit. And just really avoid my mom to avoid those negative comments. Because, over time, it can wear on you. But these days, it's more chill. And I think that's because she doesn't have to worry."

You can watch the entire interview with Li and Henson below.
