around the interwebsspotify
22:28 Monday, 5 December 2022
Does Tool's "The Pot" or Dream Theater's "Panic Attack" have more streams than the other song? What about "Living After Midnight" by Judas Priest or "Overkill" by Motörhead? These are the questions you're going to have to answer when working through Gareth Evans' new metal version of STATTOGORIES.
"The way people consume music has changed so much during my lifetime with Spotify being the way that most people enjoy listening to music these days," said Creator of STATTOGORIES, Gareth Evans. "I wanted to make something fun out the songs stats in the platform as a way of entertaining people about peoples listening habits and surprise people about certain songs popularity."
"The Spotify game mode is one of the most popular game modes on STATTOGORIES and I have created the new Metal category mainly so my father-in-law has a game mode he can enjoy. I'm looking forward to hearing the highest score he and the entire metal music community can score."
Try your hand here!