Monday, 10 March 2025 11:21


18:13 Sunday, 27 November 2022

Nickelback bassist Mike Kroeger pitched the idea of the band doing a Slayer covers album a few years back and the world hasn't forgotten.

In an interview with Niclas Müller-Hansen of Rock Sverige, Nickelback guitarist Ryan Peake was once again asked if the band was considering doing the covers album. Peake said the band's members all like different iterations of heavy metal, but could probably find enough common ground to do one. Peake also pitches the potential of covering Slayer, Testament, and Meshuggah, which would certainly be a heavy lift but absolutely worth it.

"I don't know if it would be something we all could agree on because we are all have our different likes and dislikes when it comes to music. Mike's is really heavy and I like Slayer so I get that. I think we could probably agree on doing a heavy covers album or something like that. I got kicked out of Ryan Vikedal's [original drummer] garage for playing South Of Heaven. I went down to see him before he was actually in the band and I was just kind of jamming with him. We grew up with that.

"I don't know. This is what I like about this band. I don't think anything's going to be so crazy to hear from us. I think if a metal band went and made a full on country album, it might be like 'What are you doing? You've got nine metal albums and now this!' We've kind of dipped our toes in a lot of different music I feel and especially with No Fixed Address where we kind of tried to stretch our legs a bit, that it's maybe believable.

"I love metal stuff, I love pop stuff, I love some country for sure. Chris Stapleton is unreal. He is single handedly saving country music. I grew up with country music, but I haven't been listening to it in years until I heard him do something with an acoustic and another guy with an up right bass and his wife singing harmony. That was it! I had goosebumps like crazy and I love when music does that and it doesn't matter where it comes from. Maybe do a Testament, Slayer, Meshuggah album? I don't know."

And let's be honest, too – if Nickelback really did follow through with this idea, we'd all be covering it and everyone would at least check it out.
