kamelotad infinitummelissa bonnyheavy metal
14:00 Friday, 25 November 2022

Symphonic metallers Kamelot have checked in with the following update:
"South America! Are you ready to rumble?! The shows are just around the corner, and we are pleased to announce Melissa Bonny (Ad Infinitum) will be our guest singer on this run. Co-headliners are Turilli / Lione Rhapsody."
Tickets are available via Kamelot's official website here.

Kamelot performed an exclusive show at Hristo Botev Hall in Sofia, Bulgaria on Saturday, November 12th following their November 11th gig at Switzerland's Urrock Festival. Fan-filmed video is available below.
League Of Distortion / Exit Eden singer Anna Brunner performed as a guest vocalist during the show.
The setlist was as follows:
"Phantom Divine (Shadow Empire)" (with Anna Brunner)
"Rule the World"
"The Great Pandemonium"
"When the Lights Are Down"
"Veil of Elysium" (with Anna Brunner)
"End of Innocence"
"Here's To The Fall"
"Center Of The Universe"
"Sacrimony (Angel of Afterlife)" (with Anna Brunner)
"Liar Liar (Wasteland Monarchy)" (with Anna Brunner)
"March of Mephisto" (with Anna Brunner)
(Photo - Nat Enemede)