eddie van halenriff notes
16:00 Sunday, 20 November 2022

According to a report by Guitar World, Mean Street Guitars – a US-based indie guitar builder established in 1999 by Mitchel Floyd – has unveiled its latest Van Halen-inspired creation: a stunning, none-more-stealthy reimagining of the Frankenstein, dubbed “The Beast”.
Guitar World: "It’s undoubtedly one of the tastiest-looking Frankenstein copies we’ve come across, from the model-accurate pickup configuration – complete with empty middle position – all the way to the subtly striped body artwork."
Mitchel Floyd: "I'm a huge Eddie Van Halen fan. I've built and/or painted over 950 guitars since opening. All of my musical influence is based on the David Lee Roth era of Van Halen and the style of guitar playing that Eddie introduced to the world. He is a true guitar hero to so many people, including me. His guitars were mainly simple, one pickup Strat-style shapes, but his technique and style are what made him the legend he is today.”
Read the full Guitar World report here. Check out "The Beast" below and at the official Mean Street Guitars website.
Photo by Mean Street Guitars