01:00 Friday, 11 November 2022

It's true that the individual chances of making it in the music industry as a performer are slim to none. Still, that hasn't stopped would-be juke box heroes from pursuing their dreams. That said, Behemoth's Nergal has a bit of advice for young musicians— staring at the posters their heroes on their bedroom walls—dreaming of superstardom: Don't start a band.
During a recent interview with Chaoszine, Nergal said, "Don't start any bands. And I'm not even kidding here. Don't do it. The world is overwhelmed with bands, with records with albums. There's really no space there for anything. There's only seven days a week. There's too many tours around. There's too many shows.
"People don't have – and will have less and less money. So, all the tours are suffering. Do you really want to put another song on another album that no one will pay attention to? No, you don't want to do that. Go find yourself a proper job. Finish university, travel, and enjoy life – don't do this."
You can check out the complete interview featuring Nergal's heartwarming advice above. While Nergal makes a fair (painfully logical) point, some people are just born to rock and that's the way it is. After all, a star is born every minute! And why not give it a shot? Hobbies can turn into something.
Though on the flip side, there's also the cold truth of just how much music is out there these days. A recent report showed that Spotify had officially passed the 100,000 songs uploaded daily mark, and according to Universal Music Group Executive Vice President of Digital Strategy Michael Nash on a recent earnings call, most of the music uploaded to Spotify just kinda floats around in the void largely ignored. So is it worth trying while knowing all that? Of course! What have you got to lose?