heavy metalcypher16
05:00 Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Cypher16 make their return with "Another High". The video showcases the band's first live show since the pandemic, at Rockfest in Finland, coupled with footage of them recording their second album in Sweden, Denmark and England. Cypher16 would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the process, which ended up stretching from 2018-2022.
Frontman Jack Doolan has this to say about the release: Well, it’s been a LONG time coming! We actually finished this record off in December 2019 at Abbey Road in London with a view to get it out in 2020, and then the world got turned upside down. As a result of the pandemic and various other things that I won’t go into right now, we’ve had some lengthy time away from music and some internal changes take place. We’re so grateful to everyone who continues to be around Cypher16, past and present and right now the vibe is the best it has been for a long time. We had A GREAT trip out in Finland over the summer playing our first show back (Rockfest), so now it’s time to start the engines up again and get on with the job!
“Moving on to address ‘Another High’ - It’s a pretty dark song just touching on some of the personal challenges some of us have faced, and continue to face, every day. We very nearly lost people in Cypher16 over the last couple of years, and it’s safe to say the situation is still pretty dangerous right now. We hope people who struggle can identify with some of the stuff mentioned. Our door is also always open to anyone who wants to get in touch to talk. We all know who, and what, we are,” says Jack Doolan.
The second album It’s A Long Way Back (From This Road) releases in early 2023 via Constant Evolution Records.
(Photo – Linda Florin)