HILD Feat. Former MARDUK Drummer LARS BRODDESSON Teams Up With Artist VALGORTH For New Project | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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HILD Feat. Former MARDUK Drummer LARS BRODDESSON Teams Up With Artist VALGORTH For New Project

black deathhildmardukvalgorth
03:00 Thursday, 3 November 2022
HILD Feat. Former MARDUK Drummer LARS BRODDESSON Teams Up With Artist VALGORTH For New Project

In a world where all things die, a very ambitious project is in the making. A project which will be presented as a series of esoteric paintings in a conspiracy between violent Swedish metal unit Hild, led by Lars Broddesson (ex-Marduk, Funeral Mist session, Black Altar session), and Argentine artist/author Aldo Valgorth Requena (Hammerblaze Designs, Deströyer 666, Paragon, Skiltron). 

It is an amalgamation of the mystique of old heathen themes, combined with music and art to yield the brutal majesty of the Nordic primal nature of the Valkyries. The paintings correlate with the songs and Valkyries sung about on Hild's debut album ValFreiya and the supernatural work behind it. 

Hild's debut album ValFreiya is available via Odium Records and Void In The Vast Empire. Labeling itself "Violent Swedish Metal" Hild is THE new rising thrash metal sensation, imbued with currents of black and death metal as well as old school Swedish crust and hardcore. Hild sets off as a war and battle themed project centered on the Valkyries of Nordic myth. Each song honoring a specific Valkyrie, channeling their respective traits on the battlefield. Fierce forces to imbue our beings, timeless traits for each of our struggles. The outlet is raw, straightforward energy that takes no prisoners, wastes no time.
