shocking revelationsdarkthrone
17:59 Monday, 31 October 2022

Darkthrone played their final show at the Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway on April 6, 1996. The band has since put out roughly a dozen records since then but absolutely refuses to play live. Or as Darkthrone guitarist Nocturno Culto puts it in an interview with Wall Of Sound, Darkthrone has turned down plenty of opportunities to be wealthy over the years.
Culto explains that he and Fenriz view themselves as two dudes passionate about what they do, and have no interest in the public adoration that comes with live shows. Which is a super respectable decision… but how much are these tour and show offers for? Now we wanna know.
"The offers keep on coming, believe me. We have said no to being wealthy for years and years. I believe Darkthrone is kind of isolated in many areas, but we like it that way. We don't see ourselves as something else other than ordinary men with a passion for music. So stage, touring and personal attention is not what we seek, but what we want to leave behind…..yes you guessed it, full length albums. A Blaze in the Northern Sky was originally meant to be a mini album, but luckily we discussed it, and agreed on taking our time to make an LP."
Culto also touched on the idea of the full-length album being phased out as the next generation takes hold, saying he completely disagrees with the idea and the question. "I do not agree at all with the premise of this question, because the next generation will understand the importance of full length albums. People NEED full length albums. And the youth is smart enough to understand and appreciate the format. It will live on as long as there is music. Especially in rock/metal genres, people want this format, for all eternity."
Darkthrone released their latest record Astral Fortress last week, and you can check out our review of it here.