JASON McMASTER On Fronting ACCEPT - "It Was An Honour"; Video | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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JASON McMASTER On Fronting ACCEPT - "It Was An Honour"; Video

heavy metaljason mcmasteraccept
01:30 Saturday, 29 October 2022
JASON McMASTER On Fronting ACCEPT - "It Was An Honour"; Video

Three days before the release of Cassius King's seconnd album, Dread The Dawn, vocalist Jason McMaster got a phone call asking him to fill in for Accept's vocalist Mark Tornillo, who was sick.

McMaster said, "It wan honor to work with Accept this past week as fill in vocalist. To play the east coast, where Cassius King hails from, and even on the new album's release date! I am feeling blessed this month overall. Dread The Dawn is a great record that I am very proud of."

Jason talks about the experience at length on his podcast Talk Louder in their newest episode below:
