black deathvulvodynia
02:18 Friday, 28 October 2022
One of the most groundbreaking metal bands to emerge from the region, South Africa's Vulvodynia is back with their first new track since the release of 2021's Praenuntius Infiniti LP. The self-proclaimed Kings of African Metal have unleashed their most earth-shaking salvo yet with "Artificial Divinity" - the introductory offering from their yet-to-be-announced sixth studio album.
Speaking about the narrative concept behind the song, the band shares:
“‘Artificial Divinity’ is about the eventual evolution of humanity by means of A.I. The idea of the extinction of all biological matter, as A.I. becomes sentient and runs afoul of all of humanity’s perversions. We decided to use A.I. generated artwork to fully round off the theme!
They go on to add, "We had been planning out what we thought the perfect single would consist of for a while. Combining elements from our old material, as well as giving the fans something they’ve never heard or experienced from us before, all while staying true to who we are as Vulvodynia. This song is a special one and we can't wait to hear what you think!”