rage of lightkate bushheavy metal
04:58 Monday, 24 October 2022

Swiss metal trio Rage Of Light reveals a new lineup in their metalized version of "Running Up That Hill", originally written by Kate Bush. The single features the band’s new guitarist, Simon Burri, and is accompanied by a music video inspired by Netflix heavy hitter Stranger Things.
Singer Martyna Halas comments: “I’m a huge Stranger Things fan, and Kate Bush is one of those influential artists that you can’t help but adore. I’ve always loved the iconic 'Running Up That Hill',’ so watching *that scene* in Season 4 of Stranger Things gave me instant goosebumps. I suggested to Jonathan (Pellet) and Simon (Burri) that we should create our version of this song, and I was so happy that they agreed! Music saves us from our deepest nightmares. I hope you enjoy this video as much as we enjoyed making it."