demon hunter
21:12 Saturday, 22 October 2022

Demon Hunter has been releasing albums for the last 20 years, with their latest Exile due out on October 28. And don't worry – they've got plenty more on the way!
In an interview with Metal Injection, Demon Hunter vocalist Ryan Clark said the band is already starting to conceptualize their next album. Clark also notes that while Exile is new to fans, it's already a thing of the past for the band seeing as they've heard it a million times by now.
"I have no plans to slow down or stop or anything. Every time we're about to put a record out, [we] are usually already talking about the next record. Like, right now I have the album title for the next record. I have the song ideas for the next record. It's been like that for the past 20 years. We don't really stop. We just keep going, keep going, keep going."
Clark also touched on the secret to Demon Hunter being around for over 20 years. He said that the band's members don't live that close to one another, and that finally getting together to make music or tour is always something special. Which is great! It's always excellent to hear about a band getting along after being together for a while.
"We're five guys in four different states, so we're not on top of each other all the time. We're not in each other's faces. When we get together – whether it's to do or a record or tour – it's still fun because we don't do it all the time and because we still like each other. That has [given] us this longevity. It still feels the same today as it did 15 years ago, to me. There's no more stress [and] it's not more grueling than it ever was."