HELD HOSTAGE Up For Grammy Consideration Under Five Categories, Including "Album Of The Year" And "Song Of The Year" | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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HELD HOSTAGE Up For Grammy Consideration Under Five Categories, Including "Album Of The Year" And "Song Of The Year"

hard rock heavy metalhard rockheavy metalheld hostage
23:00 Wednesday, 19 October 2022
HELD HOSTAGE Up For Grammy Consideration Under Five Categories, Including "Album Of The Year" And "Song Of The Year"

Held Hostage have announced that they are up for Grammy® consideration in five categories. Beginning October 13, voting members have up to 10 days to listen to entered recordings and determine this year’s Grammy nominees.

1. Great American Rock - "Album Of The Year"
2. "The Master" - "Metal Performance Of The Year"
3. "You Rock Our Way" - "Best Rock Song"
4. "Hold On" - "Best Rock Performance"
5. "Rise (Stop Suicide All Ages)" - "Song Of The Year"

Tom Collier from Held Hostage says: "I do not think I have been so excited as I am now, to be part of this years Grammy selection round. It is such an honor to be in consideration for 5 categories this year, for our record Great American Rock. It is a tribute to the hard work my guy's Scott Gregg, Dave Carroll, Jeff Murray and our good friend special guest vocalist Tim "Ripper" Owens. Just goes to show everyone never give up and good things will happen. I hope everyone gets out and votes. Thank you."

On July 26 - 30, Eastern Kentucky was annihilated by historic floods. On October 29, at 7 PM, Eastern at the Hal Rogers Forum - located in Hazard, Kentucky - Held Hostage, along with special guest vocalist Tim "Ripper" Owens will be performing at Operation Appalachian Kids (For Children Affected By The Eastern Kentucky Floods).

Many children and their families were displaced and lost everything in this horrific disaster. Blastzone Mike & Joseph Hedge both lifelong residents of Eastern Kentucky witnessed the tragic devastation first hand. They decided to do something about this to help the children of eastern Kentucky and organized this benefit concert. They will be using all profits after expenses to do a huge Christmas party with gifts, stockings, and food for the kids of the floods of 2022.

Tickets can be purchased here.

The Great American Rock album can be ordered here.


"We Rock Hard" (featuring Tim "Ripper" Owens)
"Now We Ride (Bikers Life)" (featuring Tim "Ripper" Owens)
"Your Eyes" (featuring Tim "Ripper" Owens)
"The Master" (featuring Tim "Ripper" Owens)
"Hold On" (featuring Tim "Ripper" Owens)
"You Rock Our Way" (featuring Tim "Ripper" Owens)
"Take Me Away" (featuring Tim "Ripper" Owens)
"Be A Man" (featuring Tim "Ripper" Owens)
"Chaos" (Live)
"Rise (Stop Suicide All Ages)" (featuring Tim "Ripper" Owens)"Fallen Brothers" (featuring Tim "Ripper" Owens)
"Show Me The Way Back" (Acoustic) (featuring Joe Lynn Turner)

"We Rock Hard" video:

Production Credits:

- Producer Tom Collier
- Engineer Ron Keck
- Recorded at Subcat Studios Syracuse NY
- Photo Credits Scott Braun, Dave Koegel
- Special Guest Vocalist Tim “Ripper” Owens 10 tracks
- Special Guest Vocalist Joe Lynn Turner, Special guest Bassist Mike Lepond (Symphony X, Ross The Boss), Drummer Ron Keck all on "Show Me The Way Back Home"

Held Hostage is:

Tom Collier - lead guitar/lead vocals
Scott Gregg - rhythm guitarist/backup vocals
Jeff Murray - drums
Dave Carrol - bass /backup vocals
