In the video below, Myles Kennedy and Mark Tremonti of Alter Bridge perform an acoustic version of "Silver Tongue" from their new album, Pawns & Kings, at the Planet Rock Studios in London, England for a handful of listeners.
As Myles and Mark explain, this was only the second time they'd ever attempted to play "Silver Tongue" acoustically: "These songs are not acoustic songs!"
During the same visit to Planet Rock Studios, Myles and Mark performed an acoustic version of their anthem, "Before Tomorrow Comes", from the 2007 Alter Bridge album, Blackbird.
Myles explained for the first time to the audience (and Mark!) the origin and meaning of the lyrics: "When it came time to do the lyrics, your goal is to tie a real good musical melodic idea to a lyric that really means something to you. And that's what I was kinda struggling with, I was trying to find that inspiration. So interestingly enough, unfortunately we had this hurricane back in the United States, it was Hurricane Katrina, when it hit New Orleans. It was just heartbreaking watching all of this stuff unfold. So I remember I stayed up, watching the news and I couldn't sleep. I don't think I've ever talked about this! I couldn't sleep, at all, cause all those images were kinda weighing on me, which is where the 'I couldn't sleep I had to listen' - that's where that comes from. So this whole song - lyrically - it was written pretty much that entire night. I don't think I went to bed, I think I finally fell asleep about 10am."
The new Alter Bridge album, Pawns & Kings, is comprised of ten all-new epic tracks that are sure to garner the band new fans around the globe while satiating their fervent supporters that have been patiently waiting for new music from the band. Pawns & Kings found Alter Bridge reuniting with long-time collaborator and producer Michael “Elvis” Baskette to create a collection of memorable new additions to band’s impressive catalogue.
From the opening riffs of “This Is War” to the title track album closer “Pawns & Kings”, Alter Bridge returns with an album of intense tracks that were born after the cycle for their last album was cut short by the global pandemic. Songs like “Dead Among The Living”, “Silver Tongue” and “Holiday” showcase the signature songwriting the band is known for. The album offers numerous epic adventures, with three songs clocking in over six minutes each. The opus “Fable Of The Silent Son” clocks in 8:29 and is the longest recorded song in the band’s catalogue - a distinction held by “Blackbird” until now. Mark Tremonti steps out of his backing vocal role to take the lead on “Stay”, an introspective ballad that is sure to become a fan favourite live.
Order your copy of Pawns & Kings here.

"This Is War"
"Dead Among The Living"
"Silver Tongue"
"Sin After Sin"
"Fable Of The Silent Son"
"Season Of Promise"
"Last Man Standing"
"Pawns & Kings"
“This Is War” lyric video:
"Sin After Sin" lyric video:
“Silver Tongue” video:
"Pawns & Kings" lyric video: