KISS' GENE SIMMONS On Mortality And Death - "I’d Be A Complete A**hole, Certainly More Than I Am Now, If I Wasn’t Grateful For This Amazing Life" | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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KISS' GENE SIMMONS On Mortality And Death - "I’d Be A Complete A**hole, Certainly More Than I Am Now, If I Wasn’t Grateful For This Amazing Life"

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16:30 Thursday, 13 October 2022
KISS' GENE SIMMONS On Mortality And Death - "I’d Be A Complete A**hole, Certainly More Than I Am Now, If I Wasn’t Grateful For This Amazing Life"

In a new interview with Goldmine, KISS singer/bassist, Gene Simmons, discusses his business ventures, his teenage years, KISS’ farewell tour and mortality. An excerpt follows...

Goldmine: You’re closer to the finish of life than the beginning. How often do you think about your own mortality and what’s your philosophy about death?

Gene Simmons: "I’d be a complete asshole, certainly more than I am now, if I wasn’t grateful for this amazing life. I mean, if it ended today, I know what my tombstone would say. It would say, “Thank you and good night.” What more could you hope for? So I’m not afraid of death unless a car is coming straight into your face. You kind of go, “Oh my God!” But that’s just instinct."

GM: Do you think about death much more now?

GS: "I do, but only in terms of pragmatism, which is how up to date is the will. I want to make sure there are no taxes, there are no liens, there’s no nothing so that my family and my kids get taken care of, just sort of pragmatic taking care of business."

GM: What’s your belief system in what happens when you die?

GS: "I’m OK if there’s a heaven and a God. I’m OK with it. I’m also OK if there’s nothing."

GM: What do you lean towards?

GS: "I lean towards nothing. My question is, if we get an afterlife, do mosquitoes? Maybe my mother’s sort of wise statement about every day above ground is a good day, and that’s it."


Next up for KISS is KISS Kruise XI. Find the band's complete tour itinerary here.
