DEVIN TOWNSEND's Favorite Album He's Done Is A Very Recent One | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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DEVIN TOWNSEND's Favorite Album He's Done Is A Very Recent One

devin townsend
19:22 Sunday, 2 October 2022

Devin Townsend's body of work is massive, but right now he's really vibing with one record in particular. In an interview with Jessie David of Metal Wani, Townsend reveals that his favorite solo record at the moment is the 2021 ambient release Snuggles (the lighter companion piece to The Puzzle). At the time of its release, Townsend said the album was somewhere sonically between his albums Ghost and The Hummer.

"[My work is] all typically pretty different, right?" he said in the Metal Wani interview. "I think [my] favorite thing that I've done is one of the least favorites of lot of [my] audience but I'll say Snuggles is awesome. I love that record … It's a sweet vibe and it happens in the background, and maybe it's not the best representation of [my work] but it's what I like right now."

Townsend also touched on his long-awaited Moth project, which he said is still very much in the works and is constantly evolving. Townsend adds that he's looking at avenues to fund the project and that it should be out sometime between potentially 2024 or 2026.

"In order to do musical theater in the ways that would be appropriate for the the sort of breadth of the concept, it's going to require so much funding. So at this point we're trying to solicit the idea to venture capitalist companies to see if they will fund it, to make it an actual stage performance with the orchestras and all [that]. I would say [it'll come out in 2025 or 2026], maybe I'd say maybe a little earlier but earliest 2024, latest 2026."

In the meantime, Townsend will release his new record Lightwork (and the accompanying record Nightwork) on October 28. Check out his most recent single "Call Of The Void" here.
