black deathdevouror
22:00 Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Devouror's debut full length, Diabolos Brigade, is set for release via Listenable on September 30. Find an advanced album stream below.
Devouror, forged in Hell’s Fire, November 2018 Singapore, by Shyaithan (guitars, also from Impiety). The band at present consists of long time komrades Hades (vocals, also from and founder of Battlestorm), Asura (guitars, also from and founder of Deus Ex Machina), Cryptor (bass,ex-founding member of Demisor) and lastly Dizazter (drums, also from Impeity/ Depravity).
Devouror defines it’s sonic wrath arrogantly as ‘Bestial Deathcult Warfare’ with late 80s/early 90s influence from Possessed, Sarcofago, Necrovore, Blasphemy, Death, Sodom. With this being said, Devouror is not a project of sorts, but a brutal 5-beast blackened metal of death squadron that scoffs, hacks and slays. All members are veteran diehards with filthy back-grounds of over 25 long years of dedication and commitment raising the old glorious flag of unholy black death .
Fans of brutal blackened death metal influenced by the bands listed above should look no further, this will undoubtedly be one of the most diabolically extreme albums of the year.

"Sebatan 666"
"Oath Of Devil's Cross"
"Vulgar Necrodeath"
"Wrath Angel"
"Twilight Nunbutchery"
"Mantra Kali Kunt"
"Supersonic Satanas"
"Ritualized Debauchery"
"Bestial Deathcult Warfare"
"Death Metal" (Possessed cover)
Album stream:
"Oath Of Devil's Cross" video:
Shyaithan - Guitars
Hades - Voice
Asura - Guitars
Cryptor - Bass
Dizazter - Drums