Friday, 10 January 2025 19:24


gene simmonskiss
20:07 Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Kiss frontman and deal making machine Gene Simmons does not have friends and doesn't want 'em. In an interview with Goldmine, Simmons revealed that he's just not interested in having friends to hang out with because he'd rather be doing whatever he's doing. Which on the surface sounds negative, but hey – at least the guy is being honest with himself.

"Even today as I sit here, other than Paul [Stanley], and we only get together when we do stuff for the band… How do I say this without sounding inhuman? I don't have friends. Yeah, if friends means, 'Gee, I don't know what I'm going to do this afternoon. Hey, you want to come over and hang out?' I'm more interested in what I want to do, and I don't want to pretend that I'm interested in what you want to do because I am not."

So there you have it. Don't try to hang out with Gene Simmons. Though maybe the next iteration of Simmons might be down? Simmons said in a recent interview that Kiss is absolutely hanging it up after their current farewell tour, but he wouldn't mind if a younger group put on the Kiss makeup on and started touring in their place.

"We don't know if it's [going to be in] New York," he said. "I have good reasons why it should be, but the important thing is when it's the last show, it'll be the last show. Kiss the touring band will stop. But the touring band. Kiss will continue in other ways. I have no problems with four deserving 20-year-olds sticking the makeup back on and hiding their identity.

Simmons then elaborated on how Kiss might continue on in the future, adding "Kiss will continue in ways that even I haven't thought of. But I can conceive of… You know, the Blue Man Group and Phantom Of The Opera tours around the world with different personnel. There could and should be a Kiss show, kind of live on stage with effects and everything else, but also semiautobiographical thing about four knuckleheads off the streets of New York that ends with the last third as a full-blown celebration, a full-on performance. Not with us. Although not a problem stepping in every once in a while."
