riff notesjoe satriani
21:30 Monday, 12 September 2022

Entertainment Earth has released the Joe Satriani Crystal Planet 5" FigBiz action figure.
Description: Join Joe Satriani on a journey to Crystal Planet, where desperate factions battle for resources in the perilous orbit of a dying star. In a bold and brutal saga of sentient storms and Wingsuit armies, it's music, and more importantly the power and emotion that music can conjure, which could bring an end to the conflict, restore harmony to the timestream, and reveal the true power of the Time Shredder. Inspired by the ultimate era of Saturday morning cartoons, this figure has roughly 12-points of articulation, and comes with his Time Shredder guitar, Tri-Diver helmet, alternate hands, and sunglasses.
Order here.

Satriani recently released his new album, The Elephants Of Mars, via earMusic. Order here.

"The Elephants Of Mars"
"Blue Foot Groovy "
"Tension and Release"
"Sailing The Seas Of Ganymede"
"Doors Of Perception "
"E 104th St NYC"
"Dance Of The Spores"
"Night Scene"
"Through A Mother’s Day Darkly"
"22 Memory Lane"
"The Elephants Of Mars" video:
"Pumpin'" visualizer:
"Faceless" visualizer:
"Sahara" video: