heavy metaleternal evil
20:20 Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Eternal Evil have signed a multi-album deal with Listenable Records, and will release their second full length album in 2023.

Influenced by thrash metal royalty Slayer, Kreator, Destruction and Exodus‘ earlier works, Eternal Evil was formed in Stockholm, Sweden in 2019. The band has intended to carry on the legacy of early high energy early classic thrash insanity.
Their quickly sold out Rise Of Death self-released demo was reissued by Iron Fist and Redefining Darkness Records. The latter released the band’s full length debut, The Warriors Awakening... Brings The Unholy Slaughter, in November 2021. Conjuring malicious old school metal powers, Eternal Evil’s debut received roaring criticism worldwide for its sheer fury and implacable velocity.
Passionate and relentlessly uncompromising, the young outfit churn out incisive riffs and arrangements with great conviction and surgical precision. Kickstarting with great enthusiasm, Eternal Evil are destined to make that head bang forever.
Adrian Tobar - Vocals and Lead Guitar
Tobias Lindström - Lead Guitar
Jacob Livåg - Bass Guitar
Alphonse Bouquelon - Drums