Guitarist Nita Strauss, who recently left Alice Cooper's band to join Demi Lovato's band, is featured in a new interview with Guitar World. She discusses the move, sharpening Lovato's guitar chops, and Kane Roberts returning to Alice Cooper#s band to replace her. Following is an excerpt.
Guitar World: Aside from the obvious hits, what were your favorite Alice Cooper tracks to play live?
Strauss: "I love the Kane Roberts tracks, like 'The World Needs Guts', 'Teenage Frankenstein' or 'Roses On White Lace', so it was very surreal to hear that he was coming in to do the fall tour. I talk to Kane all the time, or at least a few times a month. He’ll ask me about what part I played or what tone I got. It’s so cool to think I learned these songs watching him and now he’s listening to what I did to learn the new arrangements."
Guitar World: You also played on Roberts’ last solo album, which a lot of people might not know. That makes it even more full-circle, don’t you think?
Strauss: "I did, yes. I played on this really cool song called 'King Of The World'. There’s so much synchronicity. We’re on the best of terms, there’s so much mutual respect and admiration. We’ve always gotten on so well. As a fan, I’m so excited to see him step into that role and play these classic Alice songs again."
Read the complete interview here.
"Summer Storm", the explosive new single from Nita Strauss is available now for your listening pleasure. Stream the single here, and watch the video below.

Says Nita: "Instrumental music is where my heart is, and 'Summer Storm' might be the song I feel captures my personal style the most: cathartic, driving and emotional. While a lot of the upcoming record will have guest vocalists, I’m also so proud of the instrumental tracks and excited to officially unleash this one on the world!"