heavy metaldaily insanity
03:00 Thursday, 1 September 2022

Bittersweet news from German old school thrashers Daily Insanity. In a statement on their website and social media channels the trio announced the end of the band:
"All things must come to an end. As hard as it is to write these words, we are announcing the end of Daily Insanity! A decision that has not been made lightly, but we feel it's the right move to end the band on a high note. We just started our The Final Crusade Farewell Tour which will bring the band to as many places as possible. We know that this tour doesn’t reach all of you, but we have done our best to fit what we can into this window of time. The full list of 2022 dates is announced and the tour is expected to continue in 2023. It’s going to be one hell of a farewell party at these concerts! Do not miss this chance, because there will be no next time!"
Daily Insanity put out what would be their final album Chronicles Of War in 2021, followed by a single called "Doomed" in June 2022.
For the people who liked the music of Daily Insanity, main songwriter Gene has some good news:
"Daily Insanity was an absolutely incredible chapter of our lives. But over time perspectives and people change. It's time to embark to a new chapter. And as many already know, since 2021 Felix and me are working on our new heavy metal project Veil Of The Serpent, with which we will release A LOT of great music in the future. So keep an eye on that!"

The band started their The Final Crusade Tour in June with which the band offers one last chance for fans to experience their crushing live performances. The tour is expected to continue in 2023.