MEGADETH Frontman DAVE MUSTAINE On Blasting JUDAS PRIEST Crew At Barcelona Rock Fest 2022 - "Talk About Amateurs" | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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MEGADETH Frontman DAVE MUSTAINE On Blasting JUDAS PRIEST Crew At Barcelona Rock Fest 2022 - "Talk About Amateurs"

megadethjudas priestheavy metal
15:00 Saturday, 27 August 2022
MEGADETH Frontman DAVE MUSTAINE On Blasting JUDAS PRIEST Crew At Barcelona Rock Fest 2022 - "Talk About Amateurs"

During Megadeth's performance at Spain's Barcelona Rock Fest on July 2nd, frontman Dave Mustaine stopped the show to blast Judas Priest's crew, who were setting up for Priest's performance on the next stage. The festival is set up with two main stages side by side, allowing bands to perform one after the other throughout the day. Watch video below (head to the 09:16 mark).

"We'll wait till he's done checking his guitar over there," Mustaine says in the video. He then walks over to the side of the stage, where he can see Priest's crew, and offers the member in question his middle finger, to cheers from the audience. Returning to his microphone, Mustaine adds, "The last night of the tour, we went all the way to the last fucking night, and then some pussy over on the stage next to us has to start playing while we're playing. How fucking pathetic, amateur piece of shit you are." A few seconds later, Dave says, "Can we proceed now?... Fucking cunt."

Mustaine addressed the incident in a new interview with TalkShopLive, which can be found here.

Mustaine: "Recently I had an outburst onstage, and it was one of the only ones I've had in years. And it wasn't because somebody did something and I just reacted. It was the third time something had happened to us, and by the third time it happened, I just said 'enough.'

We were in Belgium, Graspop (Metal Meeting), and Whitesnake's road crew thought it was okay to soundcheck during our set. Talk about amateurs. Then Deep Purple did the same thing a couple of days later at Hellfest. More amateurs. I know the band wouldn't have done that. And then the last time it happened, on the very last show of the tour, the crew for Judas Priest did it, and I lost it. I almost went over there and said something to the guy's face because I was just burning hot; I was so mad.

Do I think the promoter did it? No, I don't think the promoter did it. Do I think the band members did it? No, I don't think so. In fact, we just finished a tribute song we were working on for Judas Priest, and if I thought the band did it, I would have stopped doing the song.

A lot of these (crew) guys, they go out on the road and they don't get paid very well. So they drink, they smoke, they do whatever - some do, some don't. But you find the people that don't do that, those are the ones that are the professionals; they know not to do that."
