heavy metalblack deathspiritworlddwid hellionintegrity
23:20 Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Self-described as "Death Western", SpiritWorld have released their new single, "Moonlit Torture", featuring Dwid Hellion of Integrity. Stream the single here, and watch a video for the track below.
A message from Stu Folsom states: "Crazy story. Many moons ago, my older brother Nick and my twin brother Beez and I went to a record store to buy Rage Against the Machine's Evil Empire the day it came out. The record store had these listening stations set up with headphones and a set of selector buttons to switch between CDs. I saw the Pushead cover artwork to Integrity's Humanity Is The Devil, hit play, heard 'Vocal Test' for the first time and bought that motherfucker immediately! Hands down the most aggressive, insane shit I had ever heard.