Ginger Wildheart & The Sinners announce the release of their debut album on October 7th via Wicked Cool Records.
Their self-titled album is an energetic album that celebrates rock’n’roll and as Ginger explains it is in “the spirit of the music that we all collectively love, from childhood to the present day. Little Feat, The Allman Brothers, Wilco, The Band, Creedence, The Jayhawks, Lone Justice, Jason & the Scorchers, Georgia Satellites, Status Quo, The Stones… from roots country to rock n roll and Americana.”
The uplifting new single “is about a dream Not necessarily one that will come true but enough to have something to look forward to, especially when times seem a little hopeless.”
Ginger adds, "'Lately Always' is a song about hope. About having a dream or a goal just big enough to cling onto and stay afloat on the choppy waters of life. Too much reality can bring some ugly side effects, like disappointment, resentment, or the crushing weight of anticlimax.
Sometimes you need a dream just to keep going, whether daydreaming about a holiday, fantasizing about a new love or imagining a new life for yourself. Some dreams come true, some don't, but every dream helps escape the boredom of real life.
We live at a time when hope is in bigger demand than ever. This song offers hope, escapism and positivity, all wrapped up in a good tune and some tasty harmonies."
And that, right there, is exactly what Ginger Wildheart & The Sinners are all about.. Sanctuary for a tired mind and a weary heart. The comfort of emotionally connecting with a song. The medicine that nothing but music can ever be.

"Wasted Times"
"That Smile"
"Footprints In The Sand"
"Lately, Always"
"Dirty Water"
"Work In Progress"
"Six Years Gone"
"Not The Staying Kind"
"Code Of The Road"
"Wasted Times" video:
For further details, visit Ginger Wildheart & The Sinners on Facebook.