entombedentombed a.d.firespawnl g petrovheavy metal
11:00 Thursday, 14 July 2022

On March 7th, 2021, legendary Entombed frontman Lars-Göran Petrov passed away at the age of 49 due to bile duct cancer. Former Entombed bassist Victor Brandt is paying tribute to his former bandmate with a signature LG Petrov, which will be unveiled at the Gefle Metal Festival in Gävle, Sweden this weekend.
Brandt: "I want there to be an LG beer, a tribute beer for LG Petrov, and now it has finally become reality. LG Petrov's estate has been included in the entire process and they are very happy with the result. It's a pilsner that I know LG really would have liked and it is brewed by the excellent brewery Stigbergets Bryggeri. Another thing he would have liked is that part of the profit will be donated to Barncancerfonden (the Child Cancer Foundation) in LG's name.
I took the photo that we used as the label in Chicago on a U.S. tour we did in 2016.
I got to play in a band with LG for twelve years. In Entombed that later turned into Entombed A.D., and in Firespawn. This beer is for him. Thanks to everyone involved."