hard rockwhitesnakedavid coverdale
17:20 Wednesday, 29 June 2022

As Whitesnake frontman David Coverdale remains on bed rest, under orders from his doctor, the band has announced the cancellation of this Saturday's concert in Zagreb, Croatia. Dates in Milan, Italy and Vienna, Austria were cancelled earlier this week.
Says Coverdale: "As stated earlier, I am still under doctor’s orders of bed rest, and to not sing for 5 days as I recover from this sinus infection. That time frame includes the show in Zagreb this Saturday, July 2nd so we are unfortunately going to have to cancel the Zagreb show as well.
"This is obviously very sad for us, especially our band members that were getting to perform before hometown crowds; Michele Luppi, our Italian Stallion was looking forward to playing in Milan in front of his friends and family, and of course Dino Jelusic, the Pride of Croatia was going to be able to give his all, to his hometown of Zagreb.
"We regret that this is necessary in our attempt to get healthy and be able to finish the rest of our tour.
"Love and Light, XXOO - DC."
Find Whitesnake's complete tour itinerary here.