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17:05 Saturday, 25 June 2022

The new single from UK band Psychlona conjures up the grooves of the 70s for their latest single "1975" on their third album Palo Verde. It is also the band's first record with the emerging Las Vegas label Psycho Waxx. Promising to deliver jams that will help "launch you deep into space" while you fall under Pscholona's musical spell which, as we're told, can induce the very groovy-sounding state of mind known by devoted psychonauts as "cosmic psychosis." What else would you expect from a band, who sound-wise, has been rummaging around in a decade where rockers were gods creating jams that went on to transcend time and space. For "1975" Psychlona brings their mystical take on the decade of rock decadence with peaking guitars and essential elements connected with desert rock.
We've got "1975" streaming for you right here so prepare to be launched into the atmosphere by way of Psychlona's rolling-thunder vibrations fully on display with their latest single. The video for "1975," directed by Sam Drake, will also give you some feel-good space truckin' vibes. Pre-orders for the special colored "Galaxy" vinyl variant are going on now and are limited to 700 copies.