Update: Dates On Former W.A.S.P. Guitarist CHRIS HOLMES' "Rock On" Canadian Tour Cancelled Without Approval | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
Tuesday, 4 March 2025 03:40

Update: Dates On Former W.A.S.P. Guitarist CHRIS HOLMES' "Rock On" Canadian Tour Cancelled Without Approval

heavy metalchris holmesw.a.s.p.
19:00 Wednesday, 22 June 2022
Update: Dates On Former W.A.S.P. Guitarist CHRIS HOLMES' "Rock On" Canadian Tour Cancelled Without Approval

Former W.A.S.P. guitarist Chris Holmes' "Rock On" solo tour of Canada was previously rescheduled to September / October of this year. According to the Chris Holmes & The Mean Men Facebook page, the following dates on the tour have now been cancelled.

15 - L'Anti Bar & Spectacles - Quebec City, QC
17 - Brass Monkey - Ottawa, ON
23 - Moose & Goose, Thorold, ON
24 - The Rockpile, Toronto, ON

Holmes wife/manager, Cathy-Sarah Holmes, has since issued the following update: "Chris Holmes & The  Mean Men and the management want let you know that the shows cancelled on the Canadian tour is the action of From Row Promotions and his booker Kevin Michaud. This was cancelled without our approval and we learned about it this morning at the same time as all of you. We are working to save this tour because there is no way it doesn’t happen by respect for the promoters and the fans... And also because we want see all of you!"

Stay tuned for further updates.

In early February 2022, Cathy-Sarah Holmes revealed that her husband had been diagnosed with cancer in the throat and neck, which would require seven weeks of treatment.

A GoFundMe campaign, aiming to raise €20,000, was launched to assist Chris in his battle against cancer. Currently, €21,160 has been raised.

A recent update from Chris' wife states: "We apologise for leaving you all so long without any updates. There is no excuse after all the love you all share with us and with Chris. But people who have had to deal with cancer within their family, know the ups and downs of every day, it is not always easy to go out the shell of the sickness and talk, even if we love all of you.

"Chris decided tonight besides just a post to do a video for all of you, to thank you for all of your supports with messages as well as financially with the gofundme page, this helped us so much. I don’t know if you can imagine how much just words and a smile can feed hearts and give strength.

"In the video you’ll notice Chris spitting. This is due to his saliva glands producing extra saliva to counteract the burning after the radiation. The nutritionist said today that that could happen for the next couple of months.

"Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all, who during this difficult path keep their hands in ours."

In the video (see below) Chris, who finished the last radiation treatment in April, says in part: "My health, as it is right now in June... I can walk around the block. I don't have very much energy. I've lost a lot of weight, I've probably lost 40, 35 pounds, I'm not exactly sure. But I'm getting better. Last week.. since I can't eat, 'cause everything still tastes like crap... it burnt all my taste buds, my throat still hurts. I was on a feeding tube that went from my ear through my nose, I've been on that for about two months, that's how they feed me... I couldn't eat.

Later he adds: "I'm slowly getting better and better. When I plan on touring in September, I don't know if I'll be at a hundred percent; I might be at eighty, but I'm still gonna go out and tour anyway, 'cause I haven't played for a long time, regardless. I'm gonna try my best. I'll play at a hundred percent, I'll put a hundred percent into my playing. I'm just talking about entertaining. It depends on if I'm eating full then or not."

Holmes' third solo album, Unbearable Influence, wasr eleased in late 2021.


"Land Of The Free Home Of The Braves"
"Won't Take Shit"
"Playing With The Fire"
"Under The Influence"
"In Gods Hands"
"Devil Make Me Do It"
"I Am What I Am"
"The Truth"
"Had Enough"
"Touch Me And Die"
"Unbearable Influences"

"I Am What I Am" video:
