joe satrianiriff notes
15:00 Monday, 13 June 2022

Guitar legend Joe Satriani recently guested on the Tone Talk podcast and discussed an assortment of topics including his new album, The Elephants Of Mars, his influences, and his favourite guitar players. Check out the interview below.
Satriani: "Hendrix is my #1. I still can't believe he did what he did; it's just freaky. Every once in a while I'll get the courage to listen to 'Machine Gun' from Live At The Fillmore' again. Somebody could do that live... it's absolutely amazing. That was 1969. Just crazy when you think of the tools that he had. It's just amazing.
I grew up listening to the music my older siblings were listening to in the late '50s, early '60s. I didn't start playing until 1970. I was a drummer when I was nine years old. So, I loved the Beatles and The Stones, and everything from 1966 on really started to build that foundation of what I thought felt really great: Jimmy Page, Tony Iommi, Jeff Beck, Pete Townsend, Keith Richards..."
The Elephants Of Mars is available as a special limited digi-pack CD release featuring seven double sided cards of original artwork by Satriani representing each song from the album. In addition, several coloured vinyl options will be available as well to pre-order including an orange, pink (D2C only) and purple version.
Order here.
- CD Jewel case
- Ltd. CD Digi sleeve (incl.14 images created by the artist himself)
- 2LP Gatefold
- Ltd. 2LP Gatefold Orange
- Ltd. 2LP Gatefold Purple
- Ltd. 2LP Gatefold Pink
- Digital

"The Elephants Of Mars"
"Blue Foot Groovy "
"Tension and Release"
"Sailing The Seas Of Ganymede"
"Doors Of Perception "
"E 104th St NYC"
"Dance Of The Spores"
"Night Scene"
"Through A Mother’s Day Darkly"
"22 Memory Lane"
"The Elephants Of Mars" video:
"Pumpin'" visualizer:
"Faceless" visualizer:
"Sahara" video: