ARCH ENEMY Guitarist JEFF LOOMIS Launches Signature String Sets | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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ARCH ENEMY Guitarist JEFF LOOMIS Launches Signature String Sets

jeff loomisarch enemyheavy metalriff notes
05:04 Tuesday, 7 June 2022
ARCH ENEMY Guitarist JEFF LOOMIS Launches Signature String Sets

"Well, the cats outa the bag," says Arch Enemy guitarist Jeff Loomis. "I have my very own signature strings courtesy of @doylewolfgangvonfrankenstein and @vonfrankensteinmonstergear."

"Each set are the exact gauges I use on a daily basis. 'Sentient 6' titled after a Nevermore song, are my standard 6 string set. 'The Seven Strings of God' also humorously based off a Nevermore song title, are my standard all purpose 7 string set... and yes you guessed it, 'Nemesis' are the custom gauge strings I use in C standard in @archenemyofficial. Please go to if any of these custom sets interest you! Have a great day."


