autopsymaryland deathfest
16:13 Sunday, 29 May 2022

WARNING: This story includes sexual content.
Heavy metal can bring its own form of stimulation, but for a pair of concertgoers at the recent Maryland Deathfest in Baltimore over the weekend, they chose to add a little more stimulation to their concert going experience by engaging in oral sex during Autopsy's performance.
The incident occurred during the group's Saturday show (May 28) in the early evening hours in the Edison Lot as the band played the penultimate set on that stage for the evening.
As was shared on social media, an unidentified female is seen receiving oral sex in the middle of the audience as onlookers cheer the couple on.
This would not be the first time a couple has been caught engaging in a sexual act at a concert. There have been other instances, including in 2019 when Behemoth's Nergal shared in a social media post that a man and woman had been given wide berth by the rest of the crowd during their Roskilde performance as another oral sex act took place.
Nergal admitted that it was a first for him, viewing audiences over the years, stating, “I’m happy to see ANY reaction to our music really. I’m good with anything but indifference. I’m OK with a lil dose of violence, people throwing pieces of their wardrobe, ppl flipping me off, bulling me, girls showing titties... it’s ALL good! But in my almost 30 year career I’ve NEVER seen a couple making out right in front of stage in the epicenter of the fuckin’ pit,” then later adding, “Holy shit! Half naked lady was kneeling in front of half naked dude blowing him for good 5-10 minutes while he was raising fists and singing along to our love songs! How cool is that hm?!? It feels good to know that Behemoth is corrupting legions on soooo many levels!”
Amorous metal fans really shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. In a 2020 study, metal music listeners ranked above fans of all other genres when it came sharing that they had a sexual experience in a vehicle. According to the study, 75 percent of metal fans had claimed to have a sexual experience in a car, placing them well ahead of oldies, hip-hop, rap and R&B soul.