16:41 Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Minneapolis, MN is well known for its incredibly cold, stark winters and lush, humid summers. And I cannot help but wonder if it's the sprawling climate that sometimes extends into the subconscious of Midwestern bands such as Inexorum. The melodic blackened death metal duo has punched out two full-lengths, with a third on the way titled Equinox Vigil. And if you have heard this band in the past, you know that they can craft some grim, cold music. But there is still that warm light of melody that carries throughout. Here, we have a new song by them entitled "Memoriae Sacrum."
The new track takes off quickly and barely stops to catch its breath. The drums roll and the band takes off. A lot of melody is layered into this track, and it comes together to lend warmth to an otherwise cold feeling track. It is almost like wearing a thick flannel on a chilly spring day. But do not mistake warmth for coziness, this track is plenty heavy both instrumentally and emotionally. In fact, the album art does the sound justice. "Memoriae Sacrum" can sound serene but holds plenty of parts where it feels like it is hunting the listener from the underbrush. Like a reminder that predators still lurk in scenic places.
A quote from guitarist/vocalist Carl Skildum on the track:
"I've lost some people very close to me in the last several years, and since then I've had several occasions where I've had extremely vivid dreams where I'm back with my loved ones and carrying on as if they were still here. These people were such an important part of my life that my own mind can still convincingly conjure them up in dreams in a way that stays with me long after waking up. This is a song of gratitude for the impact my loved ones have had on me as well as grief for their loss."
Something to meditate on when experiencing this track. The new Inexorum album Equinox Vigil will be dropping on the mighty Gilead Media and can be pre-ordered here.