power trip
17:14 Friday, 20 May 2022

The 2020 death of Power Trip vocalist Riley Gale came as a shock to many, with the band emerging in prior years as one of the brightest hopes for metal's future. While many have wondered what the future will hold for the group, guitarist Blake Ibanez has cryptically tipped what's on his horizon during a recent chat with Banger TV (seen below).
When asked for an update about what he's got going on, Ibanez offered, “Got a lot of music, a lot of songs in the tank. So keep your eyes peeled for what that becomes. I think everybody here, especially that enjoyed Nightmare Logic will really like it. Next thing. Spent a lot of time working on it the last few years.”
He went on to add, "I'm doing another side project while just waiting for things to fall into place. With all that, it's a little more thrash, a little more downtuned to D, and I'm going to do a band and that will be coming out pretty soon. So I've got some stuff coming."
He then circled back to state, “People that like all the Power Trip stuff, then they’ll be excited for what’s coming… I can’t say what it is or exactly what it isn’t gonna be. But the plan right now is for it to continue. So that’s all I can really say right now.”
During a 2021 interview, the band's first without Gale, Ibanez offered, "We do want to continue to play music together, we just are not sure what that looks like at this time," and the phrasing of Ibanez's comments leaves some ambiguity as to whether his new music will be for a continuation of the band in some form or something more specific to him.
Within that same 2021 interview, he also stated of the group's legacy at that point, “I hope we changed people’s perceptions about what a metal band can be. We didn’t have to compromise; we just were who we were, and people respected that about us. I hope that’s how people will remember us.”
Power Trip's Blake Ibanez Guests on Banger TV