Razor guitarist / founder Dave Carlo, who's wife Rose is battling cancer, has issued the following update:
"Hello Everyone,
It is not easy to write this email, but I have no other choice any longer.
The current situation with my wife has now become critical. Her final chemotherapy treatments have not been working and she is now dealing with advanced cancer in her liver and lymph nodes. Without further treatment, we will lose her.
We still have a couple of options left to try and stop the progression of the cancer, but time is running out. The remaining options are time consuming and costly, but there is still a chance that they can be successful. There will be a tremendous amount of effort and energy required to try and save her and I will have to be in the middle of all of it so it can have the best chance to work.
I have been married to this lady for 24 years (as of May 16), we have an autistic son (grown up now – 23 years old) and a daughter with Borderline Personality Disorder (a very tough mental health condition!), she is 21. These kids still depend heavily on their mother, as do I. So it goes without saying that my priority is clear, nothing is more important to me than taking care of my wife right now.
Reluctantly, sadly, but without choice, I have to withdraw Razor from all overseas shows that were to take place this year up to and including October 2022. The shows in November (England and Sweden) can still go forward as of now and will likely not have to be cancelled. But all other overseas shows are not an option for me anymore. I am very sorry for this but I could not tell you any sooner because until recently, we fully expected to play these shows. It was only with the news from Rose’s most recent CT scan (continuing to deteriorate) that this decision was forced on us.
This is a very unfortunate situation, especially since our new album, Cycle Of Contempt, will be going through a big launch this year. I hope that we can still do these events next year in 2023. In the meantime, Cycle will be there for you. Please support us and buy it when it comes out! You won’t be disappointed. So in summary, please advise all affected parties that due to this tragic situation, Razor will not be available until November 2022.
I will not take any new bookings until I know for certain what Rose’s final outcome will be after treatment, so probably not until late 2022.
Please let Mike know if you have any questions. Please visit razorband.com for contact information or razordavecarlo@gmail.com. I will try to keep you updated on social media through 2022. All the best my friends.
Rose Carlo Cancer Treatment Fundraiser Link: gofundme.com.
We will be back!"