17:07 Saturday, 7 May 2022

Inexorum has gone from the solo project of Carl Skildum to now include Matthew Kirkwold, both of whom play in Antiverse and in Obsequiae's live shows. The project is now streaming their new single "Equinox Vigil," which continues down the path of Inexorum's perfectly melodic take on shimmering black metal. Skildum explained that the song was inspired by his hikes at local parks during the first wave of the pandemic.
"I wrote this song at the beginning of fall 2020 during that first phase of the pandemic where social isolation was really starting to sink in, and the only real escape I had at that time was getting out for hikes in nearby parks," said Skildum. "That year in particular gave new meaning to the concept of inevitable change and reminded me that whatever I thought my life would be like was probably not how it was going to actually be forever, and that I needed to prepare for adjusting my own assumptions.
"Getting out of my head and into nature helped me come to terms with that change, just as change in the natural world is inevitable as well. The video was shot on some of these hikes while wildfires burned a little further west, so I was also keenly aware of the impact we have on these natural spaces."
Inexorum will release Equinox Vigil on June 17. Pre-orders are available here.