bobby jarzombekgeorge straitwillie nelson
18:00 Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Drummer Bobby Jarzombek (Fates Warning, Sebastian Bach), who announced last year that he was "very proud" to be now playing for country legend, George Strait, has issued the following update:
"This past weekend I played 2 shows with George Strait. The shows were at the brand new Moody Center Arena in Austin, Texas. Special guest for both nights was Willie Nelson & Family. Willie and his band played an hour long set. Then during our show, George invited Willie to sing 2 songs with him. The first song they performed together was the duet ‘Sing One With Willie’, which was originally released on George's last album Honky Tonk Time Machine. Great song! We also performed the classic ‘Pancho & Lefty’.
On certain shows (like this one) George performs on a square stage in the middle of the arena. The stage doesn’t rotate but he has a vocal microphone on each of the 4 corners of the stage. He sings 2 songs on a microphone before moving to his left to the next corner mic. We bandmembers are set up sort of circular and facing each other, while George entertains the crowd moving through the middle and perimeters of the stage.
Anyway, about 2/3’s into our set is when Willie came up to perform with us. His guitar rig and microphone was placed next to George’s first microphone which is just behind my spot on the stage. Awesome!
It’s amazing playing drums with George and being a member of the Ace In The Hole Band, and this weekend Willie Nelson joining us on stage made it that more incredible! Two legends with me in the middle! These photos are going on my wall!