dregenthe hellacoptersbackyard babies
12:02 Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Guitarist Dregen (The Hellacopters, Backyard Babies) celebrates a successful year by releasing his fourth beer in the Riff family - The Riff APA!
In the summer of 2020, Dregen entered the beverage industry together with musician & entrepreneur Jesper Lindgren (Velvet Insane) with his Riff – Lager by Dregen. The beer took the market by storm and empty shelves unfortunately soon became a common sight when demand overwhelmed the brewery that was used back then. With the aim set on continued development, an extensive selection process was started to find a brewery that could meet both Swedish and international demand. With consensus on quality, flexibility and top-class service, Dregen, Jesper and the brewery Nyckelbryggerier found each other where the agreement was signed in February 2021.
Better, faster and tastier has since been the mantra for the trio who have now really reloaded to develop the concept.
Riff has expanded and has now become a “family” consisting of Riff Lager, Riff IPA, Riff Alcohol-free and now, after a highly successful year a mighty Riff American Pale Ale drops at Systembolaget April 26th. All brewed with love to the nature of northern Sweden and to the sound of distorted hard rock of the noblest kind. In short, a repertoire for every occasion and scene!

Further details and ordering information can be found here.