corey taylorslipknot
18:51 Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Deep into Slipknot's set in Winnipeg, Manitoba in Canada on April 11, Corey Taylor brought the show to a halt mid-song in an effort to direct medical personnel toward a fan who had apparently been injured in the pit.
The incident occurred while the band, who are out on the first North American leg of their headlining Knotfest Roadshow tour, were performing the Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses cut "Vermillion." It was the 14th song of the set and was restarted and played in full after medics attended to the downed fan.
In the fan-shot videos seen below, the frontman not only helped emergency responders locate the injured fan, but he also managed the rest of the crowd. A premature round of applause in support of the harmed person was quieted by Taylor, who urged those nearby, "Make sure they got room, make sure they got room. Everybody back up. Give them room, give them room ... They can't breathe if everybody's around them."
The cheers resurfaced and Taylor again instructed the audience to hold their applause. "I want to make sure that they get out of the pit 100 percent okay. Hold on one second, guys. I appreciate that."
Once the situation was properly handed by professionals, the Slipknot singer then called out, "Make some noise for the medics… Let's make sure they get out. We've got a clear path right here. As soon as they're safe, we're starting this fucking thing again. Are they good? Okay. Should we just do it from the top? Okay. Do it from the top. You ready?"
Hopefully the fan who was attended to is okay.
See all of Slipknot's upcoming tour dates here and keep an eye out for "Knotverse," something the band teased last week but remains a mystery.
Corey Taylor Stops Slipknot Set to Aid Injured Fan
When Bands Stopped Concerts to Save Fans