judas priestheavy metal
10:06 Wednesday, 6 April 2022

On April 4th, Judas Priest was forced to cancel their show in Lowell, MA die to a non-Covis related illness. On April 5th, guitarist Richie Faulkner spoke with Sean P McKenna at East Coast Live about the cancellation.
Faulkner: "Yesterday, we had to, unfortunately, cancel the show, and the reason for that is so that we can preserve our health and get better. Rob's (Halford) got a bit of a cold. So we can preserve our health, get back on track and do the rest of the shows in Canada."
Check out the complete interview here
Judas Priest's next show is April 7th in Halifax, NS at Scotiabank Centre. Currently, that concert will go ahead as scheduled. All of the remaining dates on this leg of Priest's 50 Heavy Metal Years Tour are in Canada:
7 - Scotiabank Centre - Halifax, Nova Scotia
10 - Videotron Center - Quebec City, Quebec
11 - Place Bell - Montreal, Quebec
13 - FirstOntario Centre - Hamilton, Ontario