overkillbobby "blitz" ellsworthheavy metal
11:00 Friday, 18 March 2022

Overkill frontman Bobby "Blitz" Ellsworth is featured in a new interview with 69 Faces Of Rock, found below, and during the chat he revealed the band's as-yet-untitled 20th album is slated for an April 2023 release, which will be followed by a European tour.
Blitz on the new album's musical direction:
"It's gonna be hard to figure it out for me until it actually takes shape. It seems a little bit more eclectic for us. It's riff driven, not rhythm driven. The songs will contain two or three different riffs throughout it; the main and then two that are kind of secondary riffs, which I think is a little bit unique for us, to be singing over something like that. There's some sledgehammer stuff on it, that kind of big, thick groove. I think the other side of it is that it shows kind of experienced speed would be the word. Some of them just take off."
Sonics Perspectives has uploaded fan-filmed video of portions of Overkill’s set at Revolution Live in Fort Lauderdale, FL from March 14.
Songs included in the video are:
“Head Of A Pin”
“Long Time Dyin'”
“In Union We Stand”
“Mean, Green, Killing Machine”
“Welcome To The Garden State”
“Fuck You” (The Subhumans cover)
“Overkill” (Motörhead cover)
“Fuck You (Reprise)”
Guitarist Dave Linsk is sitting out the tour due to “personal reasons”. Filling is Vio-lence guitarist Phil Demmel.
The tour features special guests Prong. The trek launches on March 3 in Poughkeepsie, NY and wraps up on March 19 in Stroudsburgh, PA. Dates below.
18 - Palladium – New York, NY
19 - Sherman Theater, Stroudsburgh - PA