dolly partonjudas priest
16:00 Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Dolly Parton recently removed herself from the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame fan ballot for the Class Of 2022 because she felt that she has not "earned that right." Now in an interview with Rock Of Nations With Dave Kinchen, Judas Priest guitarist Richie Faulkner (and fellow Rock Hall nominee) calls Parton removing herself a "classy move"
"I think it was a classy move, really. I think she recognizes her brand, and it didn't necessarily fit into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. And I think it raises questions to what the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame's brand is as well.
"To call it the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame and not have bands like Judas Priest in it from day one, I think, is a weird thing. I've said this before. It's shocking, really. I don't know how you can call it the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame without having bands like that in it as default; they sort of spawned the genre. But, you know, I'm not eligible, so I can sort of say what I want about it I just think bands like that — Maiden, Priest, Motörhead — there's a few bands that are not in, and a few artists that are, maybe it shouldn't be called the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. I don't know.
"I've said this before, but I think the greatest accolade any band can have… You've toured the world for 50 years, you've put out music for 50 years, you've got a loyal fanbase for 50 years. No one's more grateful that these guys in this band, and I know that. They're still putting out music, they're still making music, they're still touring the world. And I'm repeating myself here, and I apologize, but I think that's more of an accolade than a trophy on a shelf; I really do. I think that's worth much more than getting in the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. That's just my opinion. And I know the [rest of the] band don't share that opinion; that's just my opinion. It's a loyal fanbase for 50 years. What more can you ask for?"
Parton is still on the fan ballot, but once removed (assuming the Rock Hall lets her bow out, which they clearly haven't yet), will allow Judas Priest to move into fifth place. Fans can vote here, and they should considering Judas Priest needs to be in the top five to be considered for induction.