NAPALM DEATH Bassist Says "No One Will Be Prepared" For Next Album, Discusses Irrelevance Of Genres | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
Friday, 14 March 2025 15:28

NAPALM DEATH Bassist Says "No One Will Be Prepared" For Next Album, Discusses Irrelevance Of Genres

napalm death
16:20 Monday, 14 March 2022

Napalm Death released their first new album in five years Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism in 2020, and then followed that up this year with a new EP called Resentment Is Always Seismic – A Final Throw Of Throes. Now Napalm Death bassist and main songwriter Shane Embury has taken to Instagram to discuss how genre isn't exactly a good barometer of how a band sounds, how Napalm Death maybe isn't a "metal band," and to reveal that there's some new material in the works!

"A mornings thought my lovelies ! Napalm Death not a metal band ? i heard it said recently can’t remember who by ! maybe not but what is Napalm Death ? since i write the music or at least on the last one all of it i can say there’s a lot of metal in there – the more extreme stuff of course – still chuffed with my Massacre and Master !! also the classic D beat stuff and fast paced early boston hardcore – my first atraction way back in march of 1986 was that blend of the 2 of course on the A side of scum – Tom Gabriel Fischer is a massive influence to me as is the mighty Voivod would you believe Cardiacs with Tims eclectic time structures certainly influenced Slaver thru a repeat performance on the recent mini

"but certainly fine tuning my influences now from [Killing Joke], Sonic Youth, [My Bloody Valentine] to name a few … this has been gestating for years !

"i like what i like – somehow i am lucky to have taken all of the wonderful music over the years i have got into or have introduced to by either Mick Mongoose Harris or Nicholas Bullen or bill steer !! and tried to move Napalm Death towards maybe a vision that started perhaps before i even joined the band !! it’s the least i can do

"still a long ways to go

"but labels ? who needs them ? i will wear my [Voivod] shirt one night and my cocteau twins shirt the next – consciously or unconsciously oblivious to trying to impress – fuck that !

"respect and love for those who know

"no one will be prepared for the next Napalm Death album …. you have been warned
