heavy metaltwo minutes to late nightjudas priest
20:30 Monday, 28 February 2022

The Two Minutes To Late Night crew are back with a cover of Judas Priest's "Screaming For Vengeance". Watch below.
A message states: "Vengeance! Vengeance! LEATHER! Please enjoy our 56th bedroom cover made with the support of Patreon. Become a Patreon patron today and get access to exclusive rewards like patches, t-shirts, even custom songs! Plus, you get to see every cover we make before it publicly premieres."
This cover features Brann Dailor (Mastodon, Arcadea), Gene Hoglan, Nili Brosh (Danny Elfman, Dethklok), Jonathan Donais (Anthrax, Shadows Fall), Phil "LandPhil" Hall (Municipal Waste, Cannabis Corpse, Iron Reagan), and Jordan Olds aka Gwarsenio Hall.