16:53 Monday, 28 February 2022

Overkill will hit the road this week with Prong, and with a slightly different lineup. Overkill guitarist Dave Linsk is sitting out the tour for "personal reasons" and will be replaced by guitarist Phil Demmel (Vio-Lence). Demmel previously filled in with Overkill in November 2021, so it should be a smooth-as-hell transition.
"We've used Phil in the past when we've had issues," said vocalist Bobby "Blitz" Ellsworth. "We're prepared. We're ready. It's not about the strength of the individual but about the strength of the unit. We found that out with Phil when he stepped in.
"It's just nice to be able to do what you do whether you're the concertgoer or whether you're the concert performer. Let's get back to normal. Let's do what we do best. Let's have a little bit of fun."
Get the dates below.
3/3 The Chance Poughkeepsie NY
3/4 The Palladium Worcester MA
3/5 Jergels Pittsburgh PA
3/6 House Of Blues Cleveland OH
3/7 The King Of Clubs Columbus OH
3/8 Harpo's Detroit MI
3/9 Piere's Ft. Wayne IN
3/10 Concord Chicago IL
3/11 Bogart's Cincinnati OH
3/12 Orange Peel Asheville NC
3/13 House Of Blues Orlando FL
3/14 Revolution Ft. Lauderdale FL
3/16 The Fillmore Silver Springs MD
3/17 Toads Place New Haven CT
3/18 Palladium New York NY
3/19 Sherman Theater Stroudsburgh PA