HELIX Release "Not My Circus, Not My Clowns" Digital Single; Lyric Video Streaming | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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HELIX Release "Not My Circus, Not My Clowns" Digital Single; Lyric Video Streaming

hard rockhelix
20:00 Friday, 11 February 2022
HELIX Release "Not My Circus, Not My Clowns" Digital Single; Lyric Video Streaming

Helix have released their new digital single, "Not My Circus, Not My Clowns" on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and hundreds of digital platforms worldwide. A lyric video for the song can be found below.

Lead vocalist Brian Vollmer: "'Not My Circus, Not My Clowns' sums up the Helix band's thoughts on the COVID pandemic and all the surrounding brouhaha over the last couple of years. The band is presently working on a new album release for 2023. As well, I will be releasing the It's A Pleasure Doing Business album on vinyl later this year with a couple of new tracks and some of my favorites from Helix's 1993 album, It's a Business Doing Pleasure. Sound confusing?  Not in these times my friend-it's the new normal!

"'Not My Circus, Not My Clowns' was an expression used frequently by my friend Jay Wetlaufer, who passed away several years ago from stomach cancer. Jay was a guy who had no patience for bullshit, and that’s what this song is primarily about. Although the lyrics could be applied directly to everything that’s going on today, they were actually written nearly two years ago, just as COVID was taking off. Today we live in tepid times. People are taking sides and there is deep division in society. My favorite lines: “Those who ignore what history has shown us-well, they are doomed, doomed, doomed to repeat the past.”
